
Your Canva Templates are zooming into your inbox…

But in the meantime,

I have a cool thing to make social media content planning so much easier. Read on to find out how…

Need to get your content organised and want to stop feeling like creating content is a massive

pain in the behind?

Bag the template in the next 20 minutes and

get 60% off!

It’s easy to get stuck in a content creation don’t-have-the-time / brain capacity loop when it comes to staying consistent on social media.

As a Virtual Assistant, I have seen it in my clients and also in myself far too many times to count. I found it hard to look after my own content and manage my client workload. My marketing always ended up on the shelf and I had to keep dusting it off and starting again – I needed an easier way to market myself and stay on top of it without feeling like it was a massive hassle.

I needed a place to dump ideas as well as a place to plan and write content – I wanted it all in one place but I also wanted a bank of past content so I could repurpose old stuff and be inspired to create new content.

So, I created a Social Media Planner to get organised, inspired and on the ball.

What can you do with this Template?

Create a Content Calendar

Brainstorm Post Ideas

Figure out your Content Pillars

Plan out Reels/TikToks

Including music

Plan out annual content

Such as international days

Repurpose old content

Across platforms without the faff

Keep track of links

Plan out content for launches

Stay consistent across platforms

Plus, you’ll always know exactly where at

(and you’ll actually stay on track)

On top of the template I’ll show you exactly how to use the planner and explain a little about how to use Airtable and customise it to your business.

Bag the template in the next 20 minutes and

get 60% off!

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