Need to get your content organised and want to stop feeling like creating content is a massive

pain in the behind?

It’s easy to get stuck in a content creation don’t-have-the-time / brain capacity loop when it comes to staying consistent on social media.

As a Virtual Assistant, I have seen it in my clients and also in myself far too many times to count. I found it hard to look after my own content and manage my client workload. My marketing always ended up on the shelf and I had to keep dusting it off and starting again – I needed an easier way to market myself and stay on top of it without feeling like it was a massive hassle.

I needed a place to dump ideas as well as a place to plan and write content – I wanted it all in one place but I also wanted a bank of past content so I could repurpose old stuff and be inspired to create new content.

So, I created a Social Media Planner to get organised, inspired and on the ball AND a Hashtag Randomizer because hunting for hashtags for each post often feels like a massive time suck.

What can you do with these Templates?

With the Airtable Social Media Planner Templates you’ll be able to:

  • Create a Content Calendar
  • Brainstorm Post Ideas
  • Figure out your Content Pillars
  • Plan out Reels/TikToks including music
  • Plan out annual content
  • Such as international days
  • Repurpose old content across platforms without the faff
  • Keep track of links
  • Plan out content for launches
  • Stay consistent across platforms

Plus, you’ll always know exactly where you’re at (and you’ll actually stay on track)

With the Hashtag Randomizer Google Sheet you’ll be able to:

  • Create a bank of hashtags based on your content pillars
  • Randomly generate a list of 30 hashtags for the selected content pillar
  • Grab and drop them into your social media posts
  • Stop worrying about using the same hashtags over and over again
  • Save so much time

Hey, I’m Gem, the web, systems and planner nerd behind Create & Bloom. I work with creative business owners and entrepreneurs to craft, develop and crystallize an online presence and voice for their products and services as well as going deep into integrating systems to make their businesses run smoother.

I have been working in marketing, graphic design and building websites since 2013 – I am totally self-taught and I love helping creative business owners make their products and services shine.

Online business is a wonderful world of possibility but you need the setup and systems that get the job done with ease and without the overwhelm.

That’s where I step in and help you get sh*t DONE.

© 2012 - 2024 Create & Bloom

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