
Figure it out. Create a plan. Get this whole business thing nailed down.

This page is packed with resources that are aimed at helping you suss out the foundations of your business and put your baffling business puzzle pieces right where they should be.

Want to integrate your marketing deeper into your website?

Here’s how I can support you with that.

1. Download the FREE Website Marketing Integration Brainwork Guide Sheet below. I’ll also keep you in the loop on all of the latest content too.
2. Ask yourself the 23 questions inside and use them to help you map out how your website will support the marketing of your products and services.
3. Work towards integrating your new ideas into your website or finally make the decisions for a brand new one.

Business Mindset: Clearing the Path

When starting a business and also working a job so that you can manage your responsibilities comfortably whilst you build your business things can start getting crazy complicated and stressful. There are long lists of things to get done before you can actually get into a space where you are ready to rock your business; plenty of doubts pop up, and there are of course many decisions to make.

So, how do you clear your path and create a mindset that helps you build a business that feels good instead of feeling like you are getting your ass kicked by tasks?

1. Get clear
2. Take action
3. Delegate
4. Let go

Seven Things You Need to Know About Your Competition

While it is important to evaluate your own business from time to time (See ‘How to perform a SWOT analysis for your business idea‘), it is equally important to evaluate your competition.

Here are 7 things you need to know:

1. Identify your competitors
2. Know what their strengths are
3. Know what their weaknesses are
4. Know their products, services, or good
5. Learn how they market their products
6. Uncover what their price points are and if they are competitive to yours
7. Explore what types of guarantees and warranties they offer on their products or services

Love checklists?

Grab these!

9 Must Haves
for Getting Your
Business Started

12 Things You Need to Consider When Building or Rebuilding Your Website

7 Business Foundations You Need to Start on Solid Ground

Read more on the Blog…

90-days to get stuff done?

This 90-Day Business Planner Download is the perfect partner to help you keep your business rolling. It includes 20 pages that you can use all year round to map out your business tasks.

Working in 90 day chunks is a great way to keep on track and allows you to stay more productive. Print it out and use it as a desk pad or use them as pages that you can add to your daily planner.

Cost: Less than a Starbucks Coffee

Imagine having a website that is beautifully branded and makes you feel like a bad ass business owner.

Spoiler! Building a website isn’t just the job of the website designer.

Website Wizardry is my Signature Process that aims to help you get ready to build a website that you love and does exactly what your customers need it to do and gives you the confidence to drive your offerings forward. This process is perfect for you if you have no idea where to start when building a website or if you have a website but want to refresh it and level up your online presence.

Read more on the Blog…




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